Fees as of April 1 2024.

Important Assessment Information


There is a $100 non-refundable booking fee, credited to the completed assessment cost, taken at the time of booking. This is required for all assessments and must be paid within 24 hours to confirm your assessment.


Payment plans are available, however these must be agreed upon prior to your first appointment. Please note, reporting and feedback are not completed until full payment is received.

Medicare or private health insurance funds typically do not offer a rebate for psychological assessments.


Our assessment fees are reviewed at the beginning of every Calendar year and priced in line with APS guidelines.

If you would like a detailed price breakdown for your assessment, please email reception.


Parent/Guardian Interview: The child is not required to attend this appointment.

Assessment: This appointment is for the child only, the parent/guardian is not required to stay. We ask that you send them with a water bottle and snacks for a small recess.


A Paediatrician OR Psychiatrist is required to formally diagnose and/or prescribe medications for ADHD.

Our pricing is for the psychological component of an ADHD assessment.

Note: Assessments are tailored to individual circumstances and the type required will be fully determined at the initial consultation. In situations where previous psychometric testing has been completed, it may not be appropriate to undertake all assessment components and where applicable pricing will be adjusted accordingly.